Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Tooth Fairy to Visit Spring Hill Lane

We are happy to announce that Ethan has lost his second tooth! Once again, it required a little assistance from Dad but the tooth is now out and waiting for the tooth fairy!
We are so proud of Ethan and we love his toothless grin. We can already see the other tooth and we are looking forward to seeing him with his "grown up" teeth!
Just another little milestone to share. They seem to be coming very quickly these days and we want to be sure that we savor every one!
We love you buddy man!!!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Emma Kate

This is what Emma should have been doing around 9:30 last night....but of course she wasn't! Emma has a hard time going to bed a night. Our night usually involves one trip to the bathroom and then a threat to take her blankets if she doesn't stay in her room. As I said before, last night followed our usual routine. I was in bed watching TV and after the threat to take away her blankets this was the conversation that followed. Please note that she is in her bedroom with the door shut and I am across the hall in our room watching TV.
Emma: Mommy.....Mommy....Mommy....Momma...
Me: Emma go to sleep!
Emma: Mommy, do you know how to say black in Spanish?
Me: Emma, I said go to sleep!!!
Emma: It's negro, Mommy. That's how you say black in Spanish. Good Night Mommy!
How can you not laugh at that! Emma can be so random and I love that about her.
Thought I would pass this along in the hopes that it will bring a smile to your face as it did to mine!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Happy Birthday Grandpa

This post is to remember my grandfather who passed away in 1997. Today is his birthday and I wanted to do this to honor him. We miss him very much and I wish that we could spend this day with him! Love you Grandpa!!!