We couldn't have asked for a more perfect afternoon to put ornaments on the tree! There is a light snow falling outside and I had two very eager helpers! It was really neat to watch the kids this year. They are both older and they actually are able to put the ornaments on the tree on their own. This was a real stretch for me, though. I kept wanting to move their ornaments from where they had put them because they were too "bunchy". I had to keep reminding myself that it was okay, they are having fun. But you can be sure that Mommy will be doing a little rearranging once nap time comes!!!!
Doing this kind of thing with the kids is what Christmas is all about. Watching the kids decorate the tree and talk to one another about their different ornaments. We are truly blessed to have two healthy kids and to be able to help them make these memories that they can hopefully carry with them throughout their lives.
We will complete the decorating tonight with Daddy. Emma has asked to put the star on top of the tree this year and we need him to help with that!
We hope that you are all experiencing the joy of the holidays in your house as we are in ours!
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